Fitness training by Jaimes McKee

Fitness is one of the most important aspects of football performance. A skilful player will go a long way in the sport, but without the fitness part of their game they will not be the complete player. The physical demand placed on footballers can be extremely high; From 1v1 duels, the speed of transitions, to the ability for individuals to change pace, direction, accelerate or decelerate to find space. In addition, as you progress into and through the professional leagues, the demands get higher and higher as the intensity & speed of the game increases.

For all the reasons above it is becoming more and more important that players are well conditioned to exceed the demands of the game. This is where fitness training comes in.

In A&S fitness classes by Jaimes McKee, during the first part of the session we work on developing strength, core strength and balance by using resistance bands and TRX. The second part of the session we look at developing aerobic capacity. We also focus a lot on speed by developing explosive power through plyometric training (jumping), running technique and agility



Our training sessions take place at Kowloon Bay Sports Ground.

Coach – Jaimes McKee (professional coach, and former player of Hong Kong National Team)

Days and time slots: Thursdays, 4:30pm

Price: (package of 5 sessions) HKD 1,000 


Please contact us if you're interested.